The Inspiration Within the City
Sunday, October 27, 2013
My class was very fortunate to have another Studio Art Excursion to the city. Usually our school is very blah and just isn't the biggest fan with excursions but we were allowed to have another this year! It seemed very quick, but the places we went to were very inspiring and motivating, as always in these excursions.
The first place we went to was RMIT open gallery. I was only one that put their hand up when they asked if anyone has ever been in there haha. It was pretty amazing to see different styles of art as well as what they create and how a second hand person can interpret it. I can admit, there were some artworks where I questioned it's existence and what the heck they were thinking creating it. But I know other people around me found it quite interesting, and vice versa. So in other words, art is what you make of it, YOU as a person.
We also got to see artworks from a lovely lady from Brisbane I believe? *I WILL EDIT THIS POST ONCE I REMEMBER THE NAME AND DETAILS*. But the place we went to was situated at a lane, which gave a mysterious and I guess curious thought to others. Her artworks were beautiful! You can tell they are hers, you can see a distinctive style and just the detail of the line work and the vibrant background was so amazing to just sit and look at.
This being said, if anyone lives in Melbourne, go out to the city and find hidden gallaries or lanes you've never been to. Kind of weird I say lanes, but it's because some hidden buildings and graffiti can be found and really, at least once you will be inspired. I don't think people know how fortunate we are to live in a city so vibrant of art, whether it be music to our architecture. People should just go out and explore it!